Welcome to the Epureanu Research Group! 

Our research group is located in the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. We focus on biological and epidemiological systems, aerospace and automotive structures, and turbomachinery. 

Latest News

Roger L. McCarthy Appointment

Congratulations to Professor Bogdan Epureanu for being appointed the Roger L. McCarthy Professor of Mechanical Engineering!

Alexander Azarkhin Award

Congratulations to Ph.D. candidate Jesús García Pérez for winning the Alexander Azarkhin award!

2024 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

Congratulations to Ph.D. candidate Eugene Kochergin for being selected to receive a 2024 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!

Best Paper Award at IMAC 2024, Orlando, Florida

Congratulations to our lab members Mihai Cimpuieru, Alexander Kripfgans, and Sean Kelly for winning best paper award with the work entitled "Additive Manufacturing of Resonant Vibration Absorbers for Turbomachinery Blisks"!

New students joining Epureanu Research Group

Welcome, Ph.D. students Rabia Konuk, Anirudh Kanchi, Max Nyffenegger, and Ali Ghadami!

AAMAS 2023, London, UK

Ph.D. candidate Haochen Wu presented his paper entitled "Multiagent Inverse Reinforcement Learning via Theory of Mind Reasoning". The paper aims to assist how humans interact with each other in collaborative settings.